How Does Weed Make You Lose Weight? Skip to main content


How to Lose Weight With Cognitive Motivation

A big problem for many people wanting to lose weight is the fact that most want to do it while they are still overweight. Once you've dropped a few pounds it's hard to get off, but losing ten pounds is a different story. If you have a short term attitude when you go about losing weight, you will most likely be off that diet track before you have achieved your goal. Here is what you need to know about losing weight while keeping the weight off. You have a short-term attitude Most people who are overweight have a kind of short term attitude when it comes to their weight loss plan. All they see is that they can't lose weight in a certain amount of time and so they decide that they don't care. This is usually the hardest to break through since this kind of thinking will always maintain your weight gain as long as you live. You have an all-or-nothing mindset Another reason why it is so hard to lose weight is because your all-or-nothing mindset keeps you focused on...

How Does Weed Make You Lose Weight?

When the question "Does weed make you lose weight?" is brought up, many will immediately have an answer that is "No". But do not fall into this trap! The truth about smoking cannabis, and other drugs such as Heroin, is that they do cause weight loss. But there are a few reasons why cannabis and other drugs may be effective in weight loss, but not necessarily "the true answer".

does weed make you lose weight

The fact about weight loss from cannabis use is that it all comes down to one fundamental concept of the endocannabinoid system. This system is responsible for all the physiological functions within our bodies and is generally known as the brain's "lights-out" switch. The system basically controls the central nervous system and also determines when we feel full, and therefore what we eat and how much of these functions we can perform. It also regulates our appetites, and the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. In short, it controls our drives, and the drive to consume is much more powerful in some people than others.

The result of this regulation is that people who use cannabis, or any other drug for that matter, frequently experience some sort of withdrawal when they stop using cannabis. In fact, stopping cannabis use almost always results in some sort of decrease in appetite, and consequently weight loss. This phenomenon is called the Cannabinoid Overactivity (CBO). So, if you ask "Does smoking weed make you lose weight?" the answer would be "Yes", if your body has not been used to constant heavy use.

But the "Yes" answer does NOT mean that quitting cannabis use without losing some weight is extremely difficult. Indeed, it can be done easily. Many cannabis consumers find that once they quit cannabis, their overall self esteem often increases and their desire for food diminishes significantly. But if they use some form of weight-loss medication, they will find that their issue of a smaller waist grows substantially, and this makes them feel bad about themselves even more. This only compounds the problem.

A recent study published by the National Institute on Drug Abuse sheds some light on the question, does weed make you lose weight? The study published in the journal Addiction presents data from three large-scale national surveys. All three surveys found that heavier cannabis consumers were more likely to have a smaller waistline. The researchers then theorized that this trend may be due to the body's dependence on the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). The THC in cannabis has many of the same chemical components as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines, the highly addictive drugs.

Another study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that there may be an increased risk of developing fatty liver disease if you smoke marijuana frequently. This study looked at teens and found that smoking pot may increase their chances of having a fatty liver disease. Of course, the link between cannabis use and fatty liver disease is still somewhat controversial. It's not a smoking gun, but it could help explain why some people develop this illness.

The truth is that no one knows the true effect of smoking marijuana on the human body. Even less is known about the long term effects of chronic use of this intoxicating drug. But this recent study provides strong evidence that smoking cannabis can have unhealthy consequences. If you smoke pot, you should probably quit, because it's just not worth it.

Smoking weed or taking cannabis is not going to solve your weight problem. You need to address the other factors that are causing your obesity, such as poor nutrition and lack of physical activity. But quitting cannabis use is a great place to start. With better diet and exercise habits, you will soon see results and stop worrying about "How does weed make you lose weight?"


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