Does Weed Make You Lose Weight? Skip to main content


How to Lose Weight With Cognitive Motivation

A big problem for many people wanting to lose weight is the fact that most want to do it while they are still overweight. Once you've dropped a few pounds it's hard to get off, but losing ten pounds is a different story. If you have a short term attitude when you go about losing weight, you will most likely be off that diet track before you have achieved your goal. Here is what you need to know about losing weight while keeping the weight off. You have a short-term attitude Most people who are overweight have a kind of short term attitude when it comes to their weight loss plan. All they see is that they can't lose weight in a certain amount of time and so they decide that they don't care. This is usually the hardest to break through since this kind of thinking will always maintain your weight gain as long as you live. You have an all-or-nothing mindset Another reason why it is so hard to lose weight is because your all-or-nothing mindset keeps you focused on...

Does Weed Make You Lose Weight?

Many people wonder does marijuana make you lose weight? Researchers studying the effect of marijuana on the human body have come to some interesting conclusions. It is well known that the active ingredient in cannabis, THC, is an extremely effective way to reduce the size of fat cells without affecting appetite or metabolism. A recent study published in the Journal of Drug Effects suggests that there is a limit to the amount of THC that can be absorbed by the body and that prolonged cannabis use can have harmful long-term effects.

The study looked at two groups of volunteers; one group who smoked marijuana daily and the other group who consumed it in conjunction with exercise and a controlled diet. The researchers divided the participants into two groups and monitored their weight loss over a two and a half year period. After the first year, the group that smoked cannabis had lost significantly more weight than the control group. However, when they examined the results of the long term analysis, they saw that even when the smokers did not consume cannabis, they were still losing weight. This study supports previous research which indicates that the endocannabinoid system plays an important role in weight loss.

If our bodies begin to change to function under a different set of circumstances, the results can be negative for our health. Two of the conditions examined in this latest study are heart disease and cancer. Both of these diseases tend to have a higher rate of prevalence in those who use cannabis regularly. Additionally, the researchers noted a significant increase in the risk of developing diabetes, which is associated with obesity. Therefore, if you are thinking of smoking weed, make sure your are aware of the potential health risks associated with your habit.

Another recent study published in the Journal of American Science suggests that regular cannabis users are at risk of suffering from cirrhosis of the liver. This condition is associated with excessive levels of fat within the body. Therefore, if you are smoking weed frequently, and are concerned about your weight, it is time to stop.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that daily cannabis consumers have a smaller waistline than non-weed consumers. This study is significant because it directly conflicts with other studies that claim that marijuana use leads to an increased waistline. The fact that cannabis consumers have a smaller waistline may be due to them exercising more. It is also possible that the increased exercise was responsible for the smaller waistline.

The same study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that there is a strong relationship between marijuana use and reduced weight loss. When controlling for overall weight and BMI, those who smoke cannabis cigarettes had significantly lower mean body mass index than those who do not smoke. This observation prompted researchers to conclude that the decline in body weight could be caused by the effect of cannabis use on metabolism. In other words, the reduction in calories may be partially attributed to the fact that cannabis consumers tend to burn more calories than other people do. Since increased metabolism is one of the primary causes of weight loss, this information provides further proof that cannabis users can actually use the drug for weight loss.

So how can you use weed to lose weight? Strictly speaking, it's unlikely that you will see immediate results. However, if you make a concerted effort to consume less food and exercise more often, your body will begin to respond. Eventually, the marijuana addiction may reduce your body mass index enough that you will feel less need to smoke. At that point, it is possible that you can go on and eat your favorite foods while maintaining your ideal weight.

The bottom line is that the short-term effects observed in these studies are overshadowed by long term issues related to marijuana use. Smoking weed regularly can cause severe dehydration, liver damage, and serious problems with your memory. So the simple fact is that cannabis use and weight loss do not go together, even if your idea of "weed" means pot.


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